
Thursday May 11, 2017
Episode 123 - Cambridge and Friends (Terminal Directive Criminal Cards)
Thursday May 11, 2017
Thursday May 11, 2017
On our agenda:
- Jesse and Wilfy take a trip back to New Angeles and get into the mindset of notorious cybercriminal Steve Cambridge.
- Despite Wilfy being adamant that Steve is a 'bad guy', the panel takes an 'unbiased' look at Steve himself and his array of tools, programs and friends in the Terminal Directive big box.
- Will the conspiracy breakers see play? How relevant is their "trash to bypass" ability?
- Does the Mammon shell bring an entirely new playstyle to blue?
- Will ICE derezzing and bypassing, and econ denial, be a bigger feature of criminal decks in the future?
- What are some ways that Jesse and Wilfy can see these new criminal tools making a splash in the competitive metagame?
Get in touch:
Email: thewinningagenda@gmail.com
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
Patreon: www.patreon.com/thewinningagenda

Tuesday May 02, 2017
Episode 122 - The News Now Hour
Tuesday May 02, 2017
Tuesday May 02, 2017
On our agenda:
- The panel takes a step back to look at recent and upcoming developments in the game, including Terminal Directive, Cache Refresh and the MWL.
- Before their first playthrough, the panel reflects on the structure of the Terminal Directive big box, its place in the ANR card pool and how they rate it as a concept.
- Cache Refresh, an exciting new format (https://images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com/filer_public/62/f4/62f4fc98-0ef7-4a24-af2a-48f773f69782/adn-2017-limited-info-sheet.pdf), allows players to try an officially sanctioned limited-card pool format! Will this be a good way to introduce new players to the game? Will older players embrace it? Will Jesse and Wilfy be giving it a go?
- The NAPD Most Wanted List 3.0 shook up the game in a really positive way. Jesse and Wilfy discuss what the MWL has meant for players, how it has refreshed the game, and what decks they have been trying out since it came into effect.
- Shoutout to Alexis "theladywhowasmeantome" Spicer, who has joined our editing group to help us bring you sweet sweet content!
Get in touch:
Email: thewinningagenda@gmail.com
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
Patreon: www.patreon.com/thewinningagenda

Sunday Apr 23, 2017
Episode 121 - Station One (Runner)
Sunday Apr 23, 2017
Sunday Apr 23, 2017
On our agenda:
- Jesse and his "trusty" sidekick, Wilfy, venture back to Mars as we resume our regular programming after last week's MWL discussion.
- En route to Mars, the panellists are waylaid by a discussion of SNAKEDRAFT, an exciting new format that Wilfy and Jesse have been immersing themselves in.
- The panel gives you their thoughts on the runner cards in Station One, the second data pack in the Red Sands Cycle
- We give a couple of special shoutouts this week: 1) To our editor Ricky, who has kept us going for the past 20 weeks. We love you Ricky! 2) To the crew over at ANRNZ, who are running an awesome tournament for all of the Australian and New Zealand folk. Check it out! (http://www.anrnz.com/2017/04/australia-and-new-zealand-asynchronous.html)
Get in touch:
Email: thewinningagenda@gmail.com
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
Patreon: www.patreon.com/thewinningagenda

Wednesday Apr 12, 2017
Episode 120 - EXCLUSIVE Michael Boggs MWL Interview
Wednesday Apr 12, 2017
Wednesday Apr 12, 2017
On our Agenda:
- The panel is joined by Michael Boggs, Android: Netrunner lead designer and developer, to talk about the biggest development in competitive Netrunner this year: the new MWL!
- First off, we discuss the changes to the structure of the list, including the new 3 point bracket and the new concept of 'universal influence'
- Michael takes us through each card on the list, discussing his reasons for including them (or removing them!)
Get in touch!
Email: thewinningagenda@gmail.com
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
Patreon: www.patreon.com/thewinningagenda

Tuesday Apr 04, 2017
Episode 119 - Station One (Feat The Big Bad Wolf)
Tuesday Apr 04, 2017
Tuesday Apr 04, 2017
Episode 119 is now live, with a very special, very lycanthropic guest, the Big Bad Wolf himself!
On our agenda:
- The Big Bad Wolf joins us to discuss an exciting new project he has been working on, titled Depression and Dragons (https://twitter.com/DepAndDragons)
- Station One, the second pack in the Red Sands Cycle, has hit our shelves. The panel gives their thoughts on the corp side of the pack!
- Will either of the new barriers make their way into our decks?
- Does the panel foresee anyone engaging in some cheeky Replanting?
- We discuss which card in the pack deserves the award for worst corp card of the past year (there are a few stellar choices), or possibly even worst corp card of all time!
- Jesse goes deep on Sacrifice, and his recently discovered love for all things Jemison!
Get in touch!
Email: thewinningagenda@gmail.com
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
Patreon: www.patreon.com/thewinningagenda

Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Episode 118 - Enhanced Boggs-In Protocol
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Android: Netrunner lead designer and developer joins an extended panel including Dave Hoyland, Wilfy, Hollis and Jesse, to discuss:
- Fan-run tournaments
- The tournament metagame - what should it look like and how does it influence Michael's design?
- Engagement with the community - what will Michael's approach be?
- What does Michael think of Negative Player Experiences? How spicy is too spicy?
- How will ICE design develop in the age of Sifr? What will Michael do to revive ICE as a card type.
- Will we see another Plugged in Tour or Chronos Protocol Tour?
- Can we have fan votes for future alt art promos?
- The future of big boxes (we actually talk about it this time!), and is Terminal Directive rotating? Will older big box IDs get some more love in terms of new support cards?
- What are Michael's criteria for choosing beanies? Does the beanie power him?
Get in touch!
Email: thewinningagenda@gmail.com
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
Patreon: www.patreon.com/thewinningagenda

Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
Episode 117 - The Whole Boggs and Dice*
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
*No dice discussion included
Lead Designer and Developer Michael Boggs joins the panel to discuss exciting topics such as:
- Michael's design philosophy, from faction-specific abilities to generic game abilities to resource accumulation.
- Silver bullets vs more flexible answers - we get Michael's thoughts
- Weyland! What is the future of Weyland's colour pie in ANR?
- Will we see a banned or restricted list in ANR?
- Rotation: How will the Jackson-shaped hole in the game be filled?
- 3/2 agendas! What gives? Will we see more? Will they be more like Merger or AstroScript?
- The future of big box releases. Will we see campaign driven expansions, faction boxes, something else or none of the above!?
- Managing the metagame: what does a healthy metagame look like, and how is that managed from a card design and MWL perspective?
- The MWL! What does Michael think of it, and what will it look like in the future?
Get in touch:
Email: thewinningagenda@gmail.com
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
Patreon: www.patreon.com/thewinningagenda

Tuesday Mar 07, 2017
Episode 116 - Daedalus Complex (Corp)
Tuesday Mar 07, 2017
Tuesday Mar 07, 2017
On our agenda:
- A new panel member! Meet Ricky (skatersforsale), one of the mods of the Netrunner subreddit, and beloved editor of TWA.
- Was Screambear the best or worst thing to happen to Netrunner?
- Jesse and Wilfy discuss their latest game night kit escapades.
- What does Hollis think of
- Jemison and Oberth - how good are these new space-age Weyland cards?
- Is NEXT Wave 2 a harbinger of more NEXT goodies to come? If not, what the hell is it all about?
- And much more!
Get in touch:
Email: thewinningagenda@gmail.com
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
Patreon: www.patreon.com/thewinningagenda

Friday Feb 24, 2017
Episode 115 - Daedalus Complex (Runner)
Friday Feb 24, 2017
Friday Feb 24, 2017
On our agenda:
- Jesse and Wilfy discuss Wilfy's latest Store Champs triumph - what were his decks, how did he celebrate, and what is it like being a plaque blocker? Do we need to alert the rogue bioroid recovery unit about his "unusual" behaviour?
- Does Maw do enough to see play, or would it need to do a bit Maw in order to make our decks?
- Will we be able to Exploit the Weakness in corp decks at the moment, or is it sufficient do just go with a classic Emergency Shutdown in that slot?
- It's a Mad Dash through the runner side of the pack - what will we take with us and cram into our decks before we get onto the corp cards?
- Thank you to our listener who provided us with the definitive answer to the Sifr pronunciation question!
Get in touch!
Email: thewinningagenda@gmail.com
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
Patreon: www.patreon.com/thewinningagenda

Tuesday Feb 14, 2017
Episode 114 - State of the Meta
Tuesday Feb 14, 2017
Tuesday Feb 14, 2017
On our agenda:
- Wilfy, Hollis and Jesse get their heads together to consider what is going on in this crazy, wild meta at the end of the Flashpoint Cycle.
- Jesse and Wilfy share a new brew they've been working on, letting you in on the draft stage and talking through how they're trying to harness the power of some new cards to spice up an underutilised old archetype.
- Wilfy's emotion chip has overloaded, so he delivers some of his classic deadpan bioroid lines, reminding us of his days as a 1.0
Get in touch!
Email: thewinningagenda@gmail.com
Facebook: The Winning Agenda
Twitter: @winningagenda
Patreon: www.patreon.com/thewinningagenda
Jesse's Biotech
Agenda (9)
1 Braintrust
1 Improved Protein Source
2 NAPD Contract ★★
3 Nisei MK II
1 Philotic Entanglement
1 The Future Perfect
Asset (6)
3 Jackson Howard ●●●
3 Mental Health Clinic
ICE (15)
1 Cortex Lock
3 DNA Tracker
2 Himitsu-Bako
3 Lotus Field
3 Mind Game
3 Wall of Static
Operation (14)
2 Biotic Labor ●●●●●●●●
2 Celebrity Gift
2 Friends in High Places ●●
3 Hedge Fund
2 Psychokinesis
3 Restructure
Upgrade (5)
3 Caprice Nisei
2 Marcus Batty
Wilfy's Biotech
Agenda (8)
1 Global Food Initiative ●
1 NAPD Contract ★
3 Nisei MK II
3 The Future Perfect
Asset (6)
3 Jackson Howard ●●●
3 Mental Health Clinic
ICE (15)
1 Cobra
3 Cortex Lock
3 Enigma
2 Paper Wall
3 Quandary
3 Vanilla
Operation (15)
3 Celebrity Gift
2 Friends in High Places ●●
3 Hedge Fund
2 Psychokinesis
3 Sweeps Week ●●●●●●
2 Targeted Marketing ●●
Upgrade (5)
3 Caprice Nisei
2 Marcus Batty