
Monday May 23, 2016
The Winning Agenda #84
Monday May 23, 2016
Monday May 23, 2016
On our agenda:
Special Guest: Lead Developer and Designer of Netrunner, Damon Stone!
– The Panel is joined once again by Damon Stone, this time to discuss the upcoming Flashpoint Cycle, as well as the spoiled cards from 23 Seconds. Damon discusses the origin of each card, touching on both flavour and mechanical aspects, as well as his design philosophy for not just this cycle, but for Netrunner moving forward. He also presents a quest for those out there looking to find a spoiler hidden somewhere in depths of the internet!
Damon on the Most Wanted List: Damon spoke off-mic but on the record about changes to the MWL. The decision to not change the list post Store Championship season, was due to the cards that people felt strongly deserving of being on the MWL were very new at the time. Damon wanted to allow the community to adapt and respond to the cards.
If there is no movement, and the meta becomes an unhealthy place, the MWL will be updated sometime between Regional Season and Nationals. That is not to say that this is the only time in which the MWL can change in the future.
In general, Damon will not consider cards for the Most Wanted List until they have been released for at least six months.
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Monday May 16, 2016
The Winning Agenda #83
Monday May 16, 2016
Monday May 16, 2016
On our agenda:
Card Highlight: Salsette Island
– Join the panel as they discuss the cards from the latest Data Pack, interspersed with those trade mark TWA non-stop gags! Look out for the special attention paid to Salsette Slums, Jeeves Model Bioroids and the Faust-Fueling Sports Hopper. With Regionals having already begun to prop up, you won't want to miss this episode!
Tune in next week for Episode 84, when we are joined once again by the incomparable Damon Stone to discuss the upcoming Flashpoint Cycle!
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Monday May 09, 2016
The Winning Agenda #82
Monday May 09, 2016
Monday May 09, 2016
On our agenda:
Debate: Would Sideboards be Good for the Game?
– This week the panel divides to discuss the idea of introducing sideboards to tournament Netrunner! Would the addition of a sideboarding rule 'fix' the problem with Silver Bullets and open up design space? Would sideboards stifle the deck building process and swing the balance of power too far in one direction? The panel is in a divide! Be sure to sound off your thoughts in the comments below.
If you have a good debate topic you'd like to hear us discuss, let us know!
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Sunday May 01, 2016
The Winning Agenda #81
Sunday May 01, 2016
Sunday May 01, 2016
On our agenda:
In Conversation: Alexis Spicer and The Women of Netrunner
– This week we are joined by avid Netrunner player and Administrator of the Women of Netrunner Facebook group, Alexis Spicer. The panel discusses Alexis' recent Store Championship performances, as well as her current deck choices and thoughts on the meta. We then dive into a deeper conversation of the diversification of gaming communities; the importance of having groups like Women of Netrunner; and what the community at large can do to help, including advice on welcoming women and other minorities, and how to be aware of micro-aggressions and other non-inclusive behaviours.
Like what we’re doing? You can help support us on Patreon; http://www.patreon.com/thewinningagenda
Tuesday Apr 26, 2016
The Winning Agenda #80
Tuesday Apr 26, 2016
Tuesday Apr 26, 2016
On our agenda:
Democracy and Dogma Card Highlight: Corporation
– Join us for the second half of the DaG Data Pack, (which assuredly gets the award for most Australian abbreviation). We are once again joined by Jacob Morris to talk about the Corp side of this very powerful expansion. Other things to look forward to this week; Jesse has a conniption fit over the Political Assets; and Wilfy reveals his true thoughts about the Clone Suffrage Movement.
Tune in next week for Episode 81, in which we interview Alexis Spicer, Administrator of the Women of Netrunner Facebook group!
Like what we’re doing? You can help support us on Patreon; http://www.patreon.com/thewinningagenda
Friday Apr 22, 2016
The Winning Agenda #79 (Full Edit)
Friday Apr 22, 2016
Friday Apr 22, 2016
On our agenda:
Democracy and Dogma Card Highlight: Runner
– We are joined this week by rules guru and author of the unofficial
FAQ, Jacob Morris, to discuss the runner half of Democracy and Dogma!
The Panelists think this may be one of the strongest packs in recent
memory, pickled with cards the push the power level of the game, and
interact with the corporation in new and unique ways. Stay tuned to see
what we think!
Join us next week for Episode 80, where we discuss the Corp side of DnD!
Like what we’re doing? You can help support us on Patreon; http://www.patreon.com/thewinningagenda

Monday Apr 11, 2016
The Winning Agenda #78
Monday Apr 11, 2016
Monday Apr 11, 2016
On our agenda:
In Conversation: Abram Jopp, Part Deux!
- Panelists Wilfy Horig and Hollis Eacho continue the in-depth Deck Tech of Abram Jopp's own Dumblefork; Scourge of the Meta. In this episode, Abram focuses on how to play against the list; what your aim as Corp should be; how you'll have to alter your play-style to get the best result; and touches on what he thinks is the most powerful corp deck in the current meta. The answer may shock you!
Stay tuned next week, for the first part of our Democracy and Dogma Card Highlight!
Like what we’re doing? You can help support us on Patreon; http://www.patreon.com/thewinningagenda
Monday Apr 04, 2016
The Winning Agenda #77
Monday Apr 04, 2016
Monday Apr 04, 2016
On our agenda:
In Conversation: Abram Jopp
Panelists Wilfy Horig and Hollis Each trapped themselves in a room with
author of 'Run the Net' blog, Abram Jopp to once again touch on Abram's
unique and skilled philosophy of Netrunner. In Part One, the Panelists
focus on the inception, design, and piloting of one of the most popular
deck's Abram has built: Dumblefork
Tune in next week for Part Two, as the discussion with Abram continues, moving onto the Corp side of the meta.

Monday Mar 28, 2016
The Winning Agenda #76
Monday Mar 28, 2016
Monday Mar 28, 2016
On our agenda:
State of the Meta
- Now that we're on the tail-end of the Store Champs season, and we've seen the first two packs of Mumbad, what is the meta looking like? Has there been a decline in Faust and a subsequent rise in Palana?
Deck Tech: Argus Agro
- Jesse Marshall shares his latest Argus list which recently won him a Store Championship. The previous build had done a lot of work for both he and Brian over the past year, so you won't want to miss this updated deck!
The Melbourne Netrunner League and the SanSan Circuit
- We close off the show with a quick discussion of our most recent TWA League that was run here in Melbourne, as well as some information on the upcoming SanSan Circuit- The Australian division of the ANRPC.
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Monday Mar 21, 2016
The Winning Agenda #75
Monday Mar 21, 2016
Monday Mar 21, 2016
On our agenda:
Discussion: The Tournament Rules Update
- This week, Jesse Marshall interviews Jacob Morris of Project ANCUR about the biggest update to the tournament rules in recent memory. From the minutia (no transparent sleeves or fan-made alt arts allowed), to some of the most polarizing issues in the community (intentional draws and concession), this is an episode you don't want to miss!
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